Sémantisme des Postpositions de l’Agni Sanvi en Contrastivité Syntaxique, Pragmatique et Sociolinguistique avec les Prépositions de l’Anglais.
- 26 mars 2023
- Publié par : admin
- Catégorie : Baobab N°22
Auteur(s) : Dr. Assamoi Germain.
Universite de Man
Résumé :
Abstract : Grounding on the fact that there is a great deal of prepositions studies ranging from traditional outlook to modern one as far as schools are concerned, we aim to enrich our thesis end on the semantism of English prepositions moving inside an African language which is Agni Sanvi since African languages are said to be more referential. We will be concerned with bringing out how Agni Sanvi postpositions undoubtedly have immediate significations both in terms of Theory of Linguistic Operations of Antoine Culioli and sociolinguistics subsumed nicecities portraying cultural outlook. Our conviction lies on the diversity of natural languages which should trigger new horizon to prepositional analysis.
The semanticity of Agni Sanvi postpositions will go through syntactic and pragmatic features just as we did for English. Unlike English ones in our thesis, a special focus on sociolinguistic dimension is necessary in Agni Sanvi as a result of cultural or world view prospect. The reference to postpositions in Agni Sanvi rather than prepositions with so- called modern written languages including German and French and other languages unmentioned here, will be enlightened in this paper. In other words, entering the sphere of Agni Sanvi in the scope of prepositional analysis, must enhance the universalization of descriptions and explanations as motto to modern linguistic objective.